Functional Strength Training

At Nam Yang Brighton, we have a holistic approach in everything we offer. Strength and fitness are no different. In these strength training classes, we seek to explore and improve functional movement, not just for the sake of our fighting and martial arts practices, but for our general physical well being.

The overwhelming majority of us experience some sort of discomfort ranging from acute pain to minor annoyances on a daily basis for a huge plethora of reasons. Regardless of the why or how we’ve come about our dysfunction there’s often a few common denominators, notably the quality of our baseline movement. In the FST class we’re addressing the underlying reasons and look to strengthen our baselines.

With a combination of basic tools, such as resistance bands, weights as well as a few more, we explore different fundamental movements every week. We’re using a variety of techniques and movements from different schools of thought, ranging from mobility, calisthenics and strength training. Unlike mainstream gym based fitness, we aim to re-integrate muscles and joints in movement as opposed to isolating them out of context.

A lot of people will tell you that health and fitness is important to them, but they simply don’t like the mainstream gyms for all sorts of reasons. At Nam Yang Brighton, we want to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone who wishes to explore movement and training. 

All classes are run by the fantastic Petrosthenics. A local PT and fitness instructor specialising in calisthenics, strength training, injury prevention and recovery. Please head to our timetable to view the class time.